1. Write everyday, even just a little bit, preferably at the same time and place, so it becomes a habit.
2. Create a writing routine, whether it's where you write or how you write. Again this helps form writing as a habit and helps trigger your brain that it's writing time.
3. Write when you are most creative. Some people write best in the morning, others in the evening or middle of the night. Go with your flow.
4. Change your writing environment. Sometimes routine can create stagnation. If you have writer's block, change it up.
5. Get inspired. Watch true crime news shows or read great crime or legal novels, and get inspired for your own story!
If at any point in your writing process, you find you need help with criminal law terms, legal procedures, or finding out if what you're writing is realistic, please contact me for a free initial consultation. In the meantime, sign up for my free Writer's Guide: 7 Mistakes Made by Writers of Crime, Mystery and Legal Drama.
Happy writing!